Local Operation Overview
A typical residential house has one or more zones and an HVAC system operating
each such zone. Each zone is assigned a schedule – one for heating and one for
cooling, that allows a home owner to specify time intervals, range of temperature
for each interval, comfort level desired for each interval, type of
algorithm(learning/not learning), and collaboration algorithm, and the user
can alter the schedules and assignment of these schedules for each zone.
Each zone operates for heating or cooling in following modes:
Probe: Allows the system to build a thermal profile of the zone. This
profile enables the system to take basic decisions for runtime operation.
- Normal: Control the house temperature based on currently available
house profile information and any previously learned information, perform additional
learning to refine the system performance. The runtime operation is further divided
into two phases:
- Transit: The system makes decision on how to move between two
interval-specifications and performs necessary operations to meet requirements
across those interval-specifications.
- Sustain: Once the system reaches the required temperature for an
interval-specification, the system performs necessary operations to retain that
temperature for the interval-specification.
Probe Mode
In probe mode, the system builds an initial house thermal profile by monitoring
unit temperature changes for each stage. It enables the system to determine rate
at which zone cools down or warms up and is useful to estimate expected time to
reach a target temperature using a specific HVAC stage. Once the profiling is
completed, the zone moves to other learning modes.
Probe Mode Algorithm
- Find maximum temperature \( T_{max} \) and minimum temperature \( T_{min} \) across all interval-
specifications in all schedules.
Calculate the range of temperature between the temperature extremes:
- \( T_{diff} = T_{max} - T_{min} \)
- If \( T_{diff} < 10 \), \( T_{max} = T_{max} + \left( 10 - \frac{T_{diff}} {2} \right) \) and
\( T_{min} = T_{min} + \left( 10 - \frac{T_{diff}} {2}\right) \) . This ensures that the
effective \( T_{diff} \) is atleast 10 degrees.
Active Probe: For a cooling system mode, measure current temperature and run
HVAC with most powerful stage cooling until \( T_{min} \) is reached. Record the time
it takes to change each degree along with the operating condition at start of each
such change including the inside and outside humidity, temperature, heating or
cooling, stage of heating or cooling, and baffle.
Passive Probe: For a cooling system mode, with HVAC system stopped, record
time it takes to reach Tmax. After waiting for 8 hours, if system does not reach
\( T_{max} \) abort the attempt and move to next stage. Such anomaly is encountered
if user's schedules have unrealistic large values.
- Repeat the last 2 steps using lower stages (2 and 1).
- Repeat steps 3 – 5 with a baffle, if applicable.
For a heating system mode, the algorithm is the same except that \( T_{max} \) and
\( T_{min} \) are swapped as in a heating system, the temperature rises when HVAC
system is active.
Transit Mode
A transit operation for a zone enables transiting a zone from its current temperature
to the target temperature of the zone. Learning to optimize HVAC stage and prepare
time is crucial as a transition started too early or with higher stage results in
wasted energy whereas a transition started too late or with lower stage fails to
meet schedule. Moreover, changing the target-temperature by
one degree
saves around 3% energy and therefore, it is vital to also learn to optimize the
target temperature for an interval.
Here are some important terms before we discuss the target temperature formulas:
Current interval-specification:
Interval-specification that defines the operation of an ongoing (i.e. current)
Upcoming interval-specification:
Interval-specification that defines the operation of the next interval-specification
to which the system must transit.
Current operating conditions:
The actual conditions as qualified by various factors that affect the HVAC system
such as current inside temperature TC and humidity, outside temperature and humidity.
Time before the start of upcoming interval-specification when the system must start
an operation to meet the upcoming interval-specification's strict requirement.
Target Temperature (TU):
Temperature that the thermostat attempts to sustain for a given interval
Start Time (MU):
Start time is the time when the target temperature must be met for an interval
Consider \( TU \) = Target temperature, \( T_{max} \) = Maximum interval specification
temperature, \( T_{min} \) = Minimum interval specification temperature,
\( CL \) = Percentage comfort level user setting - 100% for maximum comfort and
0% for minimum comfort (maximum savings).
Interval Target Temperature
For a cooling system, the initial target temperature that the system seeks is given by:
\[ TU = T_{min} + 1 + \left[(T_{max} - T_{min} - 2) \times \frac{100 - CL}{100}\right] \]
resulting in \( TU = T_{min} + 1 \) at 100% comfort-level and \( TU = T_{min} - 1 \) at 0% comfort-level
For a heating system, the initial target temperature the system seeks is given by:
\[ TU = T_{max} - 1 - \left[(T_{max} - T_{min} - 2) \times \frac{100 - CL}{100}\right] \]
resulting in \( TU = T_{max} - 1 \) at 100% comfort-level and \( TU = T_{min} + 1 \) at 0% comfort-level
Transit Mode Algorithm
Determine the target temperature \( TU \) for the upcoming interval and current
operating conditions. Also determine a proposed optimal prepare-time to reach the
target temperature for the current conditions. This step requires machine learning
as there are numerous factors that control an optimal target temperature and the
required prepare-time for the current conditions.
Compute the change in temperature \( \delta T = | TU - TC | \)
required to reach the target temperature and based on the allowed prepare-time to
reach this temperature, start the appropriate stage of HVAC system at the
appropriate time.
Monitor the change in temperature and actual time it took to transit to the
target temperature in the current conditions and report it as feedback to
fine-tune learning.
The system has to learn to seek an optimal target temperature starting at an optimal time
before the upcoming interval that best conserves energy while operating the system for
these temperature and comfort level settings.
Sustain Mode
Sustain operation is activated when the zone successfully transits to its target
temperature. Here the challenge is how to maintain target temperature. The thermostat
is determining how to replenish the leaked energy from the zone to the surroundings.
In sustain mode, the system minimizes energy and maximizes comfort by determines an
optimum sustain range of temperature. Narrow range sustain most comfortable set
temperature but causes frequent start and stops of HVAC system, thereby wasting energy.
So system learns to obtain widest possible sustain range and to compensate for any loss
of comfort, it bumps target temperature such that optimal comfort can be achieved
without incurring significant energy cost.
Sustain Mode Algorithm
Sustain operation requires a sustain temperature range threshold
\(D_{max}\), \(D_{min}\) and HVAC stage that must be used to sustain the
temperature between this sustain temperature range. Unlike conventional
thermostats, the idea here is not to maintain a fixed temperature but
to maintain temperature between a range of temperatures that are considered
acceptable for the user-defined comfort level.
Determining the sustain temperature range however is quite tricky, forms
the basis of energy conservation versus comfort tradeoff and requires
machine learning to be effective. An exemplary analysis is performed to
learn these effective sustain operation parameters for various
conditions, some of which are described below.
In absence of other previously learned information, compute the
target target temperature \( TU \) based on
current interval's temperature and comfort level.
Starting with an initial sustain temperature range threshold
\([D_{max} - D_{min}]\) progressively expand this range until it remains within the
bounds of the interval's allowed temperature range \([T_{max} - T_{min}]\).
Bump up the comfort by offseting the sustain temperature range \([D_{max} - D_{min}]\)
towards \(T_{max}\) for heating and towards \(T_{min}\) for cooling modes.